RGP lenses are hard contact lenses which help to correct for myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.
RGP lenses are not dispensed/recommended as much as they should be as they are more complex to fit, and require a period of adaptation for comfort. However the advantages when compared to soft contact lenses are reduced risks of eye infection and improved vision,
RGP lenses have a number of advantages over soft lenses
Visual Acuity: RGP contacts have superior optics. Since they're firm, they retain their shape better when you blink, so your eyes don't have to refocus as much, and they are superb for astigmatism or bifocal needs. Soft lenses are more likely to distort; your eyes must then refocus, which can be annoying if you're reading, or detrimental to your performance if you're driving or participating in sports.
Prescription: RGP lenses correct a wide variety of prescriptions with no compromise.
Long Term Comfort: RGP contacts require almost no water to maintain their shape, so they won't pull the moisture away from your eyes.
Handling: The firmness of the RGP lenses allows easier insertion and removal form the eyes
Deposit Resistance: Their smooth finish and lack of water retention mean they harbor fewer protein deposits from your tear film. This is healthier and more comfortable for your eyes.
Value: RGP contacts are much less expensive to maintain; also, they last longer so you don't have to spend as much on replacements.
For more information or to try these lenses call us on 01279 757767