You’ll be surprised how easy it is to make contact lenses part of your daily routine. Below you’ll find some useful information and step-by-step support to help make a success of your new lenses.
Putting on and taking off contact lenses can take a little practice. Try allowing yourself more time to get ready in the morning until you’ve mastered the technique.
Wash your hands - Ensure your hands are washed (preferably with liquid anti-bacterial soap), clean and dry to avoid irritation. Never touch your contact lenses with wet hands as water can increase the chance of infection. Dry your hands with a lint free towel to prevent cloth fibres contacting your eye and causing irritation.
Avoid tap water - You should avoid showering while wearing your contact lenses. Water may contain a number of nasty microbes including acanthamoeba, which can cause a very painful infection and permanently damage your eyesight. Swimming in your contact lenses is also not recommended.
Wearing makeup - Put your lenses in before you apply your make up and remove your lenses before you take your make up off. This will help to avoid getting makeup behind your contact lenses. Use water soluble, rather than waterproof, eye makeup as this will dissolve if it gets into your eyes. If you wear eyeliner, apply it along the outer edge of your eyelid, not along the wet part that touches your eye
Have your spectacles handy - It is important to have back-up glasses – in case you have a problem with your contact lenses or to give your eyes a rest.
Some more things to be aware of -
Sleep in your lenses, unless specifically advised to by your practitioner
Use your lenses for swimming, hot tubs or water sports, unless wearing goggles
Share contact lenses or wear any lenses not specified by your practitioner
Wet your lenses with saliva
Put a lens on the eye if it falls on the floor or other surface, without cleaning and storing again
Re-use or top up solution – always discard and replace with fresh solution each time lenses are stored
Decant solution into smaller containers
Wear lenses left in the case for more than seven days without cleaning and storing them in fresh solution
Wear any lens overnight if you are unwell
Wear your lenses when showering, unless you keep your eyes firmly closed
Switch the solution you use, except on the advice of your practitioner
Use any eye drops without advice from your contact lens practitioner
Apply a lens if it is dirty, dusty or damaged
Continue to wear your lenses if your eyes don’t feel good, look good, or see well